Donate Today

Support families when they need it most

Your donation provides immediate support   

And you support will go directly to serving families with seriously ill and injured children. 

  • $50 will cover the cost of a nutritious lunch for approximately 10 family members
  • $100 will fill our grab and go refrigerators with healthy food families can access 24/7
  • $250 will cover the cost of dinner at the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms inside Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare or Children’s, St. Paul or at our newest site, RMH Northland in Duluth.
  • $500 to will cover the cost of dinner at RMH-Oak Street or the RMH inside Children’s, Minneapolis.
  • Donating any amount will directly support our expanded meal program. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated!

Heart of Gold Legacy Giving Program

Planned giving honors the wishes the donor and also provides vital funding to the organization and cause. There are many ways for you to ensure that your legacy of caring for others, as well as your support of RMHC-UM, continues for years into the future.

We encourage you to discuss these options with your financial advisor.

Make a lasting contribution in your will

Qualified Pension Plans
Name RMHC-UM as a beneficiary in your retirement plan

Life Insurance
Name RMHC-UM as owner and/or beneficiary

Life Income Opportunities
Annuities and trusts can provide lifetime income and also benefit RMHC-UM

Retained Life Estates and Other Real Estate Options
Live in your home for the remainder of your life, and then have it benefit RMHC-UM

Stock/Appreciated Securities
Receive significant tax advantages.

Stock/Securities Transfer
Please contact Kevin Lyne, Chief Financial Officer for assistance. 612.767.2782 or email

We would appreciate knowing if you intend to make a planned gift to RMHC-UM. If you prefer to remain anonymous, your gift will be kept confidential.
Please download our Letter of Intent, complete and mail to:

Amy Ament
Ronald McDonald House Charities, Upper Midwest
818 Fulton Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Contact Information
For more information about planned giving options, please contact Amy Ament
612.767.2786 | email

Does your employer match?

Many employers sponsor programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match.

Search below to see if your employer has a matching gift program. If you volunteer with us, your company may also offer a volunteer grant program.

You will also have the opportunity to search for your employer in the form on this page when you make a donation.

Donate your vehicle

It's fast, free, easy, tax-deductible and so appreciated

Donate your used car, truck, motorcycle, RV or trailer and the funds from its sale will support Ronald McDonald House Charities, Upper Midwest.

Donate your vehicle

Community Fundraising

Support the House in your own backyard

Planning and hosting a fundraiser allows you to do something you enjoy while you have a positive impact on families. Use the strength of your own community to help more families at the House that Love Built!

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Be a part of the House that Love Built

We have many opportunities to show your support though sponsoring an event, a family program, an area at one of our locations, and more. You can even support Bernie, the house dog!

More Info